One pleasant surprise this month has been the discovery of front porches and front steps and how perfect evenings (and mornings, and afternoons!) are to sit, drink, eat and talk on them. It all started three weeks ago when J. served dinner on her front porch. When I arrived at her house that night her whole porch was illuminated with bright white Christmas lights and she had set the table really nicely and the whole thing looked like a picture from a Good Housekeeping magazine. Sitting out there was just perfect. And fortunately was replicated two nights later when we sat out there with cupcakes. Then the morning we went to the Gulf coast, I arrived at F.'s house to find him and J. eating breakfast out on his porch. The morning light shone on their faces and made J.'s hair look extra red and all I could think was what a wonderful way to start the day.
Later that same week I was inspired by F. and J. to give my own front steps/porch a try. Despite the fact that Austin's climate makes porch sitting possible in just about every month it only seems to have taken off (or maybe more accurately come to my notice) this month. I think it has to do with being out of school and having a more time to do those kinds of things without feeling guilty about it. Another (probably the single largest) factor for me was that I share my front porch and steps with a next door neighbour. Fortunately my neighbour moved out on May 9. He was rather strange and I wouldn't have felt comfortable sitting out there talking with someone if he lived there. So since the apt has been empty this whole month I have taken advantage of sitting out there on several occasions. I actually find sitting on those steps relaxing in a way I haven't felt with anything else- you get the comforts of being at home, while also being outside. And you can sit barefoot too which I like and which isn't really acceptable at outdoor restaurant patios. And the nights are really pleasant here right now -- warm but not too hot and the air smells good and if you're lucky sometimes fireflies will sparkle and then disappear.
I prefer front porches to back because you get to see who is walking or jogging or strolling or driving by and they can can see you too! More interesting and exciting, I think. The other night I was out there and made eye contact with several people who went by and it was really fun! The back can be good if there are a lot of people or if you want it to be more private, but otherwise I think the front is definitely better.