The thing I remember most clearly about my first day in Austin, Texas was the huge billboard along the side of the highway for Lone Star Beer with the slogan "Everything else is imported." Even in my nervous, dread-filled, 'what the hell have I gotten myself into?' state, I remember thinking that was pretty cool. One of the reasons my imminent move to Texas two summers ago didn't seem too terrible was that I like places with a strong sense of pride. I love how Texas was its own republic for a time, and I liked how it seemed so proud of its beers. Pride (in one's self, one's city, one's state/province/country) and beer go well together. When C. asked me the other day what I would miss most about Texas I didn't hesitate to answer "the beer." Though I wasn't when I came here (and most definitely am still not) super knowledgeable about beers, I very much appreciate(d) Texas beers. I like the local Austin ones like Live Oak and Fireman's #4, and I like the Texas ones like Shiner (esp Shiner Blonde!) and Lone Star.
Yesterday S. and I went to Shiner, Texas and took a brewery tour. It seemed a fitting way to end my time in Texas, as going for a beer here became the same as going for a kir in Paris - a perfect way to end a day. Cheesy as this may sound, drinking Texas beer in Texas never failed to make me happy. Though I did occasionally buy Mexican beers my first year here, my second year I made the full-switch to Texan beers and never looked back. I know I'll miss the Texas beers once I'm back in Toronto but I also am determined to try to seek out local beers there too. Though I again sound super cheesy, there's something very cool about drinking the local beers of the place you're in. And just in case I get some super strong cravings, I'm bringing packs of Lone Star, Fireman's, and Shiner Family Reunion back with me.