Just like summer started (and really every year starts) long before the official solstice on June 21, it ends long before September 22, the first official day of fall. When I went to school in both Berkeley and Austin, the beginning of classes at the end of August marked the end of summer. This year, the last day of summer is today... Labour Day. And while it's been great that thanks to Labour Day being the latest possible date it could be this year we got an extra week of summer, I actually feel ready for today, and ready to put this summer behind me. Ever since J. and I took that trip to the Texas Gulf coast in mid-May I've felt in summer mode. And even though I've been steadily fairly busy since then, I am craving a more regular routine. That to me - more than changes in weather - is the real difference between summer and fall. Falls are beginnings-- time to start new activities or jobs or plans or ideas. Something about summer makes me feel entitled to taking it easy, while something about fall always urges me onwards and upwards and to do this and to do that. Fall, come to think of it, is actually a pretty exciting season.
Plus, yesterday morning walking up the stairs I caught sight of the faded sandal tan on my feet. And sure enough my tan on the rest of my body has faded too-- what was a deep brown in May and June has become a pale beige now. To me, that's the surest sign summer is over. Tans go with summer like snow goes with Christmas. Tans and Fall, well they may get along for a bit, but they never really get to know each other.
I like Labour Day because it's a bridge between the two seasons. It's the last day that it's acceptable (preferable really) to take it easy, to be mellow, to say goodbye to summer before tomorrow morning arrives and fall gets started.
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