Over the past two months I've seen so many people wearing their Red Vancouver 2010 mitts. It was exciting each and every time to see that I was wearing the same mitts as someone else (and that they were obviously as excited about the Olympics as I was), and it reminded me how fabulous I think it is to match!
It's odd in a way, because aren't we supposed to want to stand out? be individual? not share our pants/shoes/socks/accessories/style with others? And matching, in some ways, goes against all that. In one of my favourite episodes of Beverly Hills 90210 Brenda and Kelly wore the exact same dress to the prom. How terrible!! High school prom dresses and wanting to be unique aside, it's really fun to match! Plus it's very easy to do it in a way that combines individuality with connectedness by matching with friends who don't live in the same place as me.
Matching with live-on-the-other-side of the continent friends is great. When visiting K. a while ago, we were shoe shopping and decided to buy the exact same pair of these tan coloured low heeled shoes because we don't live in the same place! In truth, I don't think I'd really mind that much going to the same party or restaurant or wherever wearing the same shoes as K. In fact, I think I'd be pretty proud of it. But it is nice to be the only person at the restaurant/party/wherever with the really cool shoes everyone compliments you on. (In fact now that I think of it, A. and I had very similar striped green and navy blues shirts our freshman year at Berkeley. One time I told him he had to wear that shirt the next day, and then I wore my version too. So I guess I do like matching in all its guises!) L. and I were in New York in December and she admired my pants. I told her which store I had bought them at (conveniently they have locations around the world), and the next day L. owned the exact same pair. Talk about teamwork! And matching! Another day in December I was at Bath & Body Works to buy some bubble bath when I came across these fuzzy, cozy pink socks. Before I knew it, I was leaving the store with some bubble bath, and 2 pairs of identical pink socks - one for me, and one for S. I was very excited to write in the card that accompanied S.'s socks that I had a pair too, and that we now matched!
So for me, matching with friends (especially far away friends) is lovely. Every time I wear the tan shoes I think of K., and the pink socks I think of S. I know I'd choose all my favourite people living in the same city over never getting to match with anyone again in my life; but since I know I can't have that, matching is a very good alternative.

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