Thursday, December 15, 2011

These Boots are Made for Walking

I was about to write that boots are my favourite foot wear but that's not true. Yes, I have been wearing boots a lot this fall (more on that below) but Birkenstocks (particularly their clogs) will always be my favourite shoes. (Come to think of it, I should write a whole post about Birks. Added to the list!) But, even if they are not my favourite shoes forever, boots are probably my second most favourite type of footwear and one pair of boots in particular has been hands down my favourite shoes to wear this fall. Boots and fall go together so well. (Winter and boots go together well too I suppose, but solely for practical purposes. In terms of stylish and cool boots, winter doesn't even come close to fall.)

So in August when I was in LA, we went to the Grove (which is a really cool and pretty mall I'd never visited before but now really like), specifically to Nordstroms, and I bought the best boots ever. The picture at the top of this post is of them/it/one boot, except my boots are a slightly darker brown on the side and have brown laces. (I guess there are multiple versions.) They are by Timberland. They/it may not look super special in that picture but I assure that 1. you can't see its side zipper! I never use the laces and 2. they look so much better on and in person than they do in that picture. I have received more compliments on them than on any other foot wear I've ever had! The first few weeks I was wearing them I thought I could only bust them out once or twice a week. But then I realized that that was silly and so some weeks I wore them 4 out of the 5 days of the school week! They are super versatile in that they look great with dresses, leggings, cords, and skirts. There is only a light bit of snow here right now but much more is surely on its way, and there is already some ice on the ground. And I'm not sure those boots are really that great for ice. So I think pretty soon (if not already) I am going to have to put them away for the winter. I'll wear them a lot in the spring to make up it though.

I always see characters on TV shows (ie. Carrie Bradshaw) or in movies who have so many pairs of shoes (and have shoe closets to keep them in) and I think I'm different. But then I realize that I actually have a fair number of pairs of shoes. Maybe I don't have as many as in the picture below, and maybe a lot of them are strewn around my apt where I repeatedly trip on them or are hiding and/or poking out from under my chair, but I still have a lot. However, most of them are either Birkenstocks or boots, which I don't think is/was very similar to Carrie's collection. Since I got this awesome pair of brown boots around when I first moved to Berkeley (I think?), I've usually had at least two pairs at any given time. I loved those brown ones. I wore them all through Berkeley and in Paris too. I like wearing boots and jeans. Until I lived in Paris, I followed H.'s stylish lead and rolled my jeans up to show off the boots. But then I discovered in Paris that the women just wore their boots right over their jeans and I started doing that. Right now I also have a pair of grey suede boots I really like, and a pair of flat black ones I like a lot too.

Recently I saw a picture on the Huffington Post Style section of Kate Bosworth and her dog (and some guy, see below) and I loved her boots. I then did some googling and discovered a bunch of pictures of Kate Bosworth wearing these other similar ankle boots which I think I actually prefer. (See last picture below.) I had never really thought of short boots before but I think both look really good. And I actually like the idea of pairing them with shorts. After more internet research I found out the ones in the second picture are by a Parisian designed named Isabel Marant. Unsurprisingly I suppose they are hundreds upon hundreds of dollars for a pair. So clearly I am not buying them anytime soon. But maybe one day...

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